Summer is the perfect time to catch up on blog posts, don't you think?
Here's a sampling of the photos from my photo shoot with Felicia Caldwell at the Luskin Conference Center (directly below) - as well as some taken by Tom Hassing while he was attending a conference at the Luskin during my performance (see end of post). I'm home for the summer at the moment, but I'll be back at the Luskin in early August - and I can't wait!
(The photo below is a slideshow. Click on the black arrows on left or right to navigate to other photos.)
I'm also very excited to record brand new, updated recordings for several of my original compositions next week, in-studio - as well as some very recently completed compositions which haven't been previously posted on this website or on my YouTube. Stay tuned!
In addition, I recently got a new violin, so now I'm trying to teach myself to play - I also just acquired all of East West's Hollywood Orchestra + Solo VSTs...I'm so excited to get my hands on these - they're absolutely phenomenal VSTs, and you can bet I'll be looking out for East West's Quantum Leap Silk library when they have their next big sale (planning some fun pieces with Chinese instruments and traditional Chinese-inspired harmonies, to go with the current novels I'm writing!).
Speaking of novels: on the creative writing front, I'm currently seeking representation for my newest manuscript, THE STARDUST PHILOSOPHY (see photos on the Writing page for excerpts!). I'll also be adding some fun blog posts with insider material from the universes of my novels over on my personal, non-business blog, so go check that out (click click!).
I hope everyone is having a lovely summer! Enjoy!